Learn more from our frequently asked questions.

Sharing our knowledge

There is a lot to consider when embarking on a wine cellar project, therefore our best advice is - If In doubt, get In touch.


We want to share our knowledge and experience with you, and have compiled a list of FAQ's below.

Does my wine room need to be below ground? +

How do you deal with natural light that could affect my wine? +

How big or small can a wine wall be? +

Do I need a different temperature zone for cellaring whites to reds? +

What are ideal conditions for long term storage of wine? +

What type of cooling systems can you offer? +

What kind of first fix services are generally required? +

What kind of insulation is required to prepare my wine room? +

What are some other planning considerations? +

How much does a wine wall cost? +

How much does a wine room cost? +